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3 Tips for Safe Online Shopping with Google

This blog post has been sponsored by Google. All views and opinions are my own. Safe shopping!

3 Tips for Safe Online Shopping with Google

Holiday crunch time means that I’m literally shopping with on all my devices at once! With the stress of getting the perfect gift, making sure you don’t miss anyone and getting the perfect outfit online, I’m bound to drop some balls. While we are distracted, it’s easy to neglect some basic online shopping safety. I’m happy to partner with Google to remind us all of some easy tweaks we can do to ensure our holiday shopping is as seamless as possible! Here’s 3 tips for safe shopping with Google online. Especially during the holidays! But first, why should you care more now?

Online shopping is in many ways the saving grace for all our needs. We can pull out our phone, click a few things and viola, it arrives at our doorstep! During the holidays, with family in every corner of the world, we’re probably shopping online more than ever and opening up new accounts with different retailers. Therefore, we are simply more exposed. As I mentioned above, probably distracted or in a hurry!

3 Tips for Safe Online Shopping with Google

3 Tips for Safe Online Shopping with Google

1. STRONG Passwords

I gotta admit, coming up with strong passwords is easier said than done! How many times have you done your dog’s name123? Not only that, but sometimes we have the same password for all sites! I’m so guilty of that. But if you think about it, would you have the same key for your house, office, car and storage unit? Probably not.So don’t gift online hackers, an easy password you use for all your accounts! If you can’t come up with unique, strong passwords for your accounts, consider using a password manager (hint: there’s one built into your Google Account). This can help you create, remember, and store all your passwords. → passwords.google.com.

3 Tips for Safe Online Shopping with Google

2. Keep Your Software Up to Date

I know it’s the LAST thing you want to do as you’re trying to make sure you don’t miss out on all the flash sales, but stay updated! Keeping your software up to date can be one of the best ways to protect from certain cyber vulnerabilities. Some software, like Chrome, Android, and iOS, will automatically update so you never need to worry about doing it yourself. However, there are other services that will send you notifications when it’s time to update!I always hit the “remind me later”, but I really shouldn’t. Taking the time to update right away can save you from headaches later!

3 Tips for Safe Online Shopping with Google

3. Take the Google Security Checkup

Do you remember which third-party apps have access to your account data? I took a peek at mine, and it’s staggering! You can manage these apps with security checkup, a a step-by-step tool that helps protect the security of your Google Account with personalized recommendations. You can also check your saved passwords for security issues, and more. Head to g.co/securitycheckup for your results!

The Good News for Safe Online Shopping

These tips for safe online shopping with Google are FREE! So while you’re snagging that last minute deal, ordering your New Year’s Eve dress or setting up that new device you got as a gift, you can do follow these easy steps for peace of mind!
