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ProLon 5 day fast with food!

Before kids I had an easy time paying attention to my diet. I could afford to take extra time to prepare meals or to do cleanses. Looking back, I remember being confused when people would tell me they didn’t have time to eat properly or take care of their nutrition. I just didn’t get it! Fast forward 5 years after having kids and now I get it. Most people, especially mamas don’t have time to get on a clean slate with their diet. We are running to and from school, kid activities, and our own work. I have to admit, my diet is the first thing to go out the window! That’s why I was excited when I found out about the ProLon diet as a good way to reset my eating habits and lose a few pounds quickly

Enter ProLon’s 5 day Fast mimicking diet! I workout often and look for extra energy wherever I can find it, but lately I had been finding that my diet was well, awful! Coffee and bagel leftovers (from my kids’ breakfast) for breakfast. More coffee. Sometimes no lunch, or if so, chips and guac, and whatever I can get my hands on for dinner. I always try to eat protein and fiber and limit sugars. However, it’s easy to not get the nutrition I need when I’m running in a million directions. This pre-packaged 5 day plan was the turn-key solution I was looking for. No need to go grocery shopping, no need to measure anything, and no need to cook. Just heat or prepare for about 5 minutes for each meal. Here are how the 5 days went! But before I forget, here are codes for discount if you’d like to try it:
10% off with code: DancingmamastyleSub (for subscription-orders) & code: Dancingmamastyle (non-sub orders) !

Setting Up For Success!

One of my favorite parts of this experience is that you kick off your cleanse talking to a ProLon expert that gives you great suggestions! Along with this consultation, you’re able to ask questions and it felt so customized to what my concerns were. This is a big differentiator from other cleanses, and I was encouraged to call back if I had questions!

Easy & Tasty

Each day’s meals came in their own pre-packaged boxes with all of the days’ meals. It was awesome! I didn’t have to think about what I was having every day which was heaven sent. All of the packaged items were easy to prepare and although I wasn’t expecting much I found myself craving the L-Bar and the Tomato Soup! The teas and Choco-crisp were big winners too. Watch out for family members trying to steal your food. I had that happen a couple of times and was like, “no, mine!” 🙂

Energy Levels Day 1-5

Ok, I’m not going to sugar coat it, you are not going to get full here. However, you will be satisfied and will enjoy every bite. Most importantly, you will feel really energized because you’re getting nutrition and not weighed down by junk food. The first day and the last day were the easiest for me! The first day filled with enthusiasm and more food on the plan flew by.

Days 2-4 were rough because psychologically you are not starting or ending the diet. Instead you’re just sustaining and the food starts diminishing! I didn’t work out on those days because I knew my body wouldn’t react well to a reduction in calories and the type of workout that I do. The last day, call it cleanse clarity or energy and pride of knowing it was the last day, also flew by and I did treat myself to a strength conditioning workout! I did cheat on day 3 with popcorn that my kids were eating and a cheese stick but overall I was really good!


I would recommend that you limit lots of exercise unless you workout regularly and are hyper aware of how you react to each workout so you can pace yourself. Also, don’t go on long commutes since you will be running to the bathroom a lot to go #1. The L-Drink, I’m sure is a magic potion because the one day that I didn’t have it, Day 3, was the day I felt the worst and had the popcorn. So drink everything they give you!


I didn’t have weight to lose but I did lose weight, almost 5 pounds! I felt a bit skinny fat, so the fat I did lose was pure fat as I feel a lot leaner. Going into the diet, I didn’t do it to lose weight but really to reset and gain control of my nutrition and have more energy. You are so much more mindful when you have set 5 days aside to eat a certain way. The best part is that ProLon is so effortless from a prep standpoint. Which is normally where I get stuck!

I have decided I need to do this at least quarterly to get in touch with my hunger cues, what nutrition my body needs, and to stop eating fries just because my kids didn’t eat them! If you’re a mom, busy career woman, or just struggling to lose weight and get on a plan, this is for you! Prolon gives you the same benefits as a fast with fat burning weight loss, increased performance, metabolic health and promoted health renewal, but still get to eat. Please let me know if you have any questions about the Prolon diet in the comments below or email me! XO, Z

Interested in some quick and healthy snacks for on the go? Click here!
