Summer just started but soon we’ll be thinking of backpacks, lunchboxes and all that fun school stuff! I’m excited to send the boys back to school with Pottery Barn! But first, we’re enjoying summer with them :). I first fell in love with PB when decorating my first home and getting “real furniture” ,if you know what I mean. My husband and I would head there when I needed a beautiful piece, like my office desk and dining room set. Such classic pieces!
Then when we had a our first baby, Matteo, I got a gift from a friend (a guy!) that was not even on the registry! A gorgeous personalized blue, baby blanket. The softest I’d ever seen and timeless! Now as we enjoy summer and getting the boys personalized items, we know where to go. See below for my picks for the boys for summer and back to school with Pottery Barn!
Please note: gorgeous Adirondock kid’s chairs are currently sold out but the adult version is on sale. Linked above.

Outdoor Fun Picnic Ready
These picnic friendly items have been incredible during our summer! I’ll start with the towels. They’ve got their name on them, have a hood so it stays on them, and are of the best quality. Then you’ve got the wet bags, which are a game changer! No more plastic bags that hurt the environment to carry our wet clothes. These are beautifully lined to transport your wet items and do not smell.
Finally, is it an outdoor day without a cooler? We are LOVING our family coolers. One of them is a roller for those heavy picnic days and the other is more of a tote. The way I use them is this: tote- back and forth between school and after-school activities, roller- family outing, grilling out, beach day!

Luggage- Travel in Style
Our kids love these suitcases! I was tempted to get them a busy, branded set of luggage, such as Cars, Dinosaurs, so many options! However, I thought these Fairfax blue & green striped ones would age well with them. 🙂 It’s one of my favorite color combos. I usually use Green to denote Henrick and Blue for Matteo, so there we go! We went with the whale icon in the front, so darling.

Back to School with Pottery Barn
Don’t ask me why, but I did involve them in picking out some stuff. I don’t recommend because let’s face it, they either want everthing, nothing or don’t know what they like. Am I right? 🙂 I had initally gotten this Cars rolling backpack for Henrick (lil guy) and then Matteo had to have it. I have found that getting 2 of the same, for now, reduces conflict a great deal! Plus with their personalization feature (see more below), we know who’s belongs to whom.
For back to school with Pottery Barn, we got a rolling backback, pictured above and a regular backpack, which you’ll see below. I love the rolling backpacks because they think it’s super fun to roll and pretty easy for them. On days where they need a change of clothes, show & tell or a book lug, it’s awesome! They are also great for weekend trips to grammy’s house. The smaller, non-roller backpacks are great for school days where they’re carrying lighter items.
To complete the look, we got my favorite water bottles of all time; personalized, keeps water cold, doesn’t smell after a while and these other fun items below!
Lunchboxes, Food Containers, & Water Bottles
Pencil Cases
Food Allergy Tag!!!

Since the famous blanket gifting, I’ve been hooked on their personalization feature. Our go-to font, is Garamond, a classic font that I love in general. There are so many other options though, if you want to get fancy or bolder. There’s only a nominal charge (around $10) for the personalization and it REALLY helps when your kids head to school. Quick note: you can’t return personalized items, so make sure you have the correct item.
Summer sure is going by fast, I hope this helps cull down the amazing choices at Pottery Barn Kids. Make sure to check out their sale going on this week. Many of these items are also currently reduced, don’t miss it! Finally, you get 15% off when you sign up for their email, so make sure to do that. 😉 Let me know what you get! For more tips vacationing with kids see here, working mama tips here and wisdom from last year’s summer travels here! XO, Z