Even though I resist, I can’t help but be inspired by a new year. But this isn’t any year, it’s 2020! As a fitness expert & professional, fitness and wellness is something that I have the luxury of thinking about all year. When I head back to the studios or even in my DM’s however, I know it’s a time of year when many of you want to get fitter, stronger and healthier. So how do to get fit in 2020? You’ve tried everything, you’re busy and not getting any younger. Here are my best tips right now!

How to get fit in 2020
Secret of your future in your daily routine
It’s more important to develop a system of support and habits that structure your life. As the famous quote goes, “the secret of your future is in your daily routine”. No truer words have been spoken, especially as it pertains to your health. You have to learn how to schedule the workout, and show up for it unemotionally. It’s not about “do I want to work out today?”, it’s about “I’m scheduled to work out today”. Instead of relying on your willpower not to order stif fry take-out on your way home from work, it’s about meal prep. The more you can develop these “booby traps” for success, the more results you will see. Preparation is key.
Meal Prep
But it’s hard,you tell me. Well, then make it easy! Nowadays, there are endless ways to be prepared; HelloFresh, BlueApron, Purple Carrot, Amazon Fresh. Literally, it’s impossible to use the I don’t have time to grocery shop as an excuse anymore. Many of my friends cook ahead and eat leftovers during the week. I personally do a combo of things depending on the week. I rely on grocery delivery, my husband and I sharing meal prep, and healthy go-to takeout options.
Another huge difference in 2020 is the health awareness of many restaurants and their willingness to serve great options. A go to meal for me in a pinch is a deconstructed fajitas with a rotisserie chicken, corn tortillas, canned beans and pickled veggies. Fast take-out options include sushi (no tempura, no mayo), fajitas, or greek salads. For a full disclosure of what I eat, check this out!
Working Out in 2020
The biggest advice I can give you about working out is to find something you love. This is like the answer to the MILLION dollar question. If you love your workout, not merely tolerate it, it will change your life! Were you a cheerleader in high school, find a pom class. Did you dance? There’s hundreds of dance fitness options, you know which one I love. Did you play sports? Join an intramural league. You love nature? Get outside and breathe! Better yet, get a dog, that will force you to go for walks. 🙂 Easier than 2 kids. If you’ve always hated exercise, I recommend you just take a risk. Buy a Groupon, show up to something that sounds ridiculous to you. My mom took a chance on Tai-chi, at 65, and fell in love with exercise for the first time ever in her life. Never too late!
One of the trends I’m not too keen on are the fitness apps that you work out to. Tracking can be helpful for some personality types. What I’m not a big fan of are apps that give you a set of exercises that you kind of go through in a choppy manner. For a workout to be effective and change your body, it should be and FEEL cohesive, flow and you should sweat! If you are not drenched in sweat, fine, but don’t expect signifcant change. If you’re able to memorize a routine from these apps, you might be able to make it work! However, I don’t recommend you stop and start your way through the workout. It won’t move the fitness needle.
Weight Loss
Whenever people have come to me at MaZi Dance Fitness, and looked at me with angst because they can’t lose weight, I ask one thing. Are you supernaturally inspired? I know this sounds corny and hokey, but do you really want to change? Did you wake up any day this week and feel like nothing was more important than to change how you feel? If the answer is no, and you haven’t been able to lose weight for years or decades, then try to find that je n’ais ce quoi. I call it that because I don’t know what else to call it.
If you’re just trying to lose 10-20 pounds, don’t sweat looking for it. However, if you’re trying to drop several dress sizes, and lose 30 pounds or more, you need to be deeply inspired by the vision of how you want to feel/look/be. The reason is because if you’re 30 pounds or more overweight (aside from pregnancy weight gain, or temporary medical condition), the habits that got you there are engrained in your lifestyle. You have to work really hard to reverse all the habits that got you there. And replace with healthy habits. The good news is that you can totally do it! I’ve seen it, I’ve done it.
How do you find the supernatural inspiration?
You have to spend QT with yourself. Do things you love. Dare to dream BIG. Spend time with people you love and who support you. Get really full on the things that fulfill you. It’s not about happiness, because that’s fleeting, it’s about meaning. In the process, you will find that inspiration that will drive your behavior. I always think of when people wake up one day and decide to quit smoking, drinking, the toxic boyfriend, or job. Why that day? How did it happen? It was that day they woke with supernatural inspo, the je n’ais ce quoi or divine intervention. 🙂
A Note About Weight
Losing weight does not mean you’re fit. Just as being the medical definiton of overweight does not mean you’re not physically fit.
For My Mamas
I feel that I must call out the difference when you’re a mother. Our bodies go through SO much in the process of giving life, nurturing, and sustaining it. It’s almost unfair to ask anything more of our bodies. Yet, we crave feeling strong and agile.
Becoming a mama is the first time that I truly, consistently thought about someone far more than myself.
Of course, I love my husband and try to be selfless in our relationship. However, it doesn’t quite stack up to being a mother. You pour yourself out each day, literally & figuratively for these little creatures. This simple self-lessness made me internally strong and lean in my habits. I don’t have time to obsess about what I’m eating because I’m just grateful to have time to eat. Staying healthy and strong for them is always on my mind. They are heavy at 40 & 50 pounds each, and I need to be able whisk them off or away at any given moment. I love trusting my body to have the strength to do so.
If you’ve given birth your body is no longer what it was and if you’re nursing, it’s still not your own. I believe that in getting fit in 2020, it’s an important consideration when you’re trying to get fit. Viewing fitness from a health lens will go a lot further with us moms. We are too tired to be motivated by a size or number on the scale. However, we look at these little faces, and we want to be around for them. We want to be fit and agile. Stronger than yesterday for the huge task before us of raising them. To me, becoming a mother has taught me the most about “fitness” and it’s true meaning of being the best version of ourselves.
So how to get fit in 2020…..
In conclusion, I know some of this advice is practical and some is more abstract. As an artist, I never dismiss the inspiration as not being as valuable as the tactics. There are habits, a certain caloric deficit that must be met, and a certain level of cardiovascular health that is tangible. However, I recommend that you don’t dismiss the more internal aspects of what motivates your behavior and inspires your soul day to day to attain real change. Especially as it pertains to your quality of life and fitness level. Please reach out with questions or thoughts, happy to help! XO, Z