Do you ever look at someone and wonder why they look so confident? Young and energetic. Or perhaps why they have that j’nais se quoi factor about them. You may be surprised to learn that it’s great posture. However, in-between worrying about our anti-aging methods, our workouts, what we’re eating and what we’re wearing, it’s easy to overlook our posture. It’s the very canvas we have for all we’re doing with our bodies. I’m excited to share the very exercises that I do to help build and maintain my dancer posture years post-pro career. In this video I show you the why, how and do the workout along with you so that you can follow along if you’d like. Before I get into the how to improve your posture workout, let me share a few reasons why you should get started today!

4 Reasons to Improve Your Posture
1. Confidence
One of the first things you’ll notice if you walk around with a straight back is how confident you feel! The body and brain are so magically intricated. For example, when your brain perceives the body as being confident (large movement, taking up space, standing up tall), your brain thinks you’re more confident than you are. Therefore, it gives you more confidence and you stand up straighter and carry yourself in a more powerful way! Think of all the really confident people you may know. They probably all have pretty good posture.
A beautiful thing about feeling more confident when you carry yourself with better posture is how it makes you feel. If people are relating to you as if you’re sure of yourself that feeds into your self-esteem! Over time you will naturally gain more confidence which goes really far in almost every aspect of life!
2. Looking Younger

Aging is not a bad thing, it’s happening to all of us! In fact, it’s amazing that we get to age, and am so much more aware of that after this year. However, that doesn’t mean we have to look our age! Wanting to look more youthful is on everyone’s mind and a anti-aging is TRILLION dollar industry. However, one of THE best anti-aging tools we have is free; beautiful posture! As far as I know posture is not something that you can go out and buy currently. 🙂 Bad posture ages you more than any fine line and wrinkle ever will. With this how to improve your posture workout, you can have better posture in weeks!
3. Injury Prevention- Improve Your Posture

This is probably the least “sexy” reason of better posture but probably the most important one! When you have good posture alignment, you’re less likely to get injured. Having bad posture leads to strain in your head, shoulders, knees and toes (kidding). However, literally all physical therapy begins with alignment correction which means improving your posture. If you are lucky enought be injury free right now, it may be hard to wrap your brain on why this matters. It’s not until you find yourself needing PT that one actually says “oh, I get it”. With this posture improvement workout, I show you how to increase your range of motion with dynamic stretching so that you can access your better posture muscles.
4. Everything Looks Better with Dancer Posture

I know I’m biased! However, clothes do look a lot better on someone with a good posture. Maybe not in a Calvin Klein runway show circa 1992, but elsewhere. Please note, this is not about being skinny or tall or perfect, having great posture is an optical illusion that helps you look better in anything you wear, even a paper bag. 🙂
If you enjoyed the improve your posture video, make sure to check out this post on confidence, and this one on becoming a better public speaker. For another helpful aging awesomely post, check out this post on better beauty sleep. And as always, if you’d like to workout with me, check out my LIVE classes and on demand fitness program here. LOVE, Z