In the early 90’s I invented soap brows. No really, I did! I would use Irish Spring/Dial, you name it. I would slightly wet a toothbrush and shape, feather and arch my eyebrows. My classmates would ask why I had a filmy gauze over my eyebrows and I didn’t care! I thought my eyebrows were perfection. And apparently they were. If I hadn’t been so secretive about my discovery I may have patented my invention. Instead, I forgot all about my soap brows a couple of years later when eyebrows disappeared from Vogue and all runways. In fact, I could finally just let my eyebrows be what they always had been;non-existent. Then last month I stumbled upon the Madison Beer Make-up Tutorial in Vogue where I saw the headline: soap brows. Of course I had to try! Here’s what happened.
The Madison Beer Make-Up Tutorial

I gotta say that it’s very very rare that I change up my make-up variations. I have about 5-7 go-to looks that I don’t really stray from. It takes a lot to try something entirely new. When I first saw the 13 minute video, I thought that there was NO way that I could/would put on so many layers of blush/bronzer/highlighter. While they are all products I know and love, it felt excessive. Decadent. What pushed me to try? Morbid curiousity and a love of contouring and beautiful eyebrows.
Why I Wanted To Tell You About It

I recorded my rendition of the Madison Beer Make-up Tutorial to emphasize how you can use products in your current make-up bag. I love finding ways to have a similar effect without buying much! But then, something weird happened. Nick, my husband, loved how I looked. Generally, Nick likes how I look, don’t get me wrong. However, I can’t remember the last time he actually commented on my make-up. After giving me googley eyes all evening, he finally said: “you look really pretty!”. Huh? What? The thing is he usually loves more of a natural looking face. And although I could’ve sworn that after slapping on 10 layers of blush, I would look like a joke but apparently I did not!
What I loved about the Madison Beer Make-up Tutorial

I really loved discovering old products in my make-up bag and taking a chance on some products I hadn’t. For example, I had never gotten actual soap brows product or setting spray. The bronzer and multitudes of highlighters I’ve been gifted or bought were re-discovered! I also loved discovering I can achieve a great result with shadow eyeliner, it doesn’t have to be liquid. Phew!
My Exact Beauty Products

Madison Beer’s Make-Up Tutorial Exact Products
I hope you try this make-up tutorial also, and let me know how it worked out for you! For my Sephora Sale skincare/haircare picks see here. And if you want to know how I get better beauty sleep, see here and for beauty secrets for women on the go, see here! Love, Z