I recently had my first podcast interview with Bien Y Sana! Bien Y Sana (means Good & Well in Spanish) is a wonderful resource by health coach Vera Arreola. It specializes in informing people on wellness tips and latest holistic practices. If you speak Spanish, I hope you take a listen. If you don’t, I will fill you on the 3 main take-aways that we discussed for the episode!
The Key Take-Aways of My First Podcast Interview

Balance is a myth! When you are a working mom, a very driven career person or an artist, it’s just not gonna happen. Instead of viewing balance as something that is achieved daily with all the balls in the air, I view it as seasonal. I try to look at the month and/or years in this way. Some weeks, I’m going to be knee deep in collaborations, choreography at MaZi Dance Fitness, or traveling for work. Others, I’m going to be on vacation with my family and staying at home with the kids during breaks or when my husband is traveling.
I feel that if you accept it, and view it this way you can better manage your expectations and those of your family. I don’t really look for balance in my every day, just overall for the big picture! One thing that really helps; learning how to say no. 🙂 Working on it!

Answer to the Million Dollar Question
I recently realized after training people for 10 years at MaZi, that people can’t change until they are ready to change. You can give people the BEST advice, the golden ticket, the answer to the million dollar question. However, if they are not ready to do the work or absorb direction, it won’t work. Progress, like happiness, is an inside job.
Until you have fixed the broken links within, you can’t implement what you know you have to do. I think that at times I would wonder why someone couldn’t take the training or lifestyle change I had given them….it’s because they weren’t ready internally. It’s the same with me. When I finally have the answer to something I really wanted to know and then I realize what I need to do to change myself or get there, I am unable to. Until I actually am able to. That’s why internal work like meditation, exercise and prayer are so important!

Appointments with Yourself
Last thing we discussed during my podcast interview was the importance of making an appointments with yourself! If you make an appointment with someone else, you are unlikely to cancel it, so don’t cancel the time with yourself! For me, these appointments are my workouts and fun stuff like dinner with friends. I need to start doing them for meditation!

Some considerations for your first podcast interview
Because my first podcast interview was in the wellness arena, I felt pretty confident to participate in the discussion. No matter how much you know though, it’s always a little nerve-wracking to try to make sense on a live talk show. Although there is editing, there is still an overall flow & vibe that I knew had to be maintained. I’m a huge podcast listener and I am always in awe of how concise, yet natural everyone seems to be! I think I am listening to the good ones. 🙂
The biggest hurdles that I had with this interview was that although Spanish is my first language, I didn’t study Spanish in school! I didn’t take any Spanish classes, which I would do nowadays, because my grammar in Spanish is non-existent. Therefore, even though I still speak Spanish with much of my family, I think, write, work and speak mostly in English and feel much more comfortable articulating in that language. The other hurdle I had with the podcast is that we did it via Skype. Skype is such a gift for connectors, but not the same flow as being in the same room with the interviewer.

A few things for your first podcast interview:
- Remember it’s just a conversation, not a performance!
- Write things down so you don’t forget what you wanted to cover
- Research the interviewer and listen to other episodes of the show so you understand the audience.
- Smile and breath so you sound energetic and personable.
- Like putting stuff on the internet, you can’t unsay things, so think before saying something you may regret. 🙂
Hope you take a listen to the podcast here and that you liked the 3 takeaways from the episode. If you like this post, check out this post on new wellness therapies and this one about weight management. XO, Z

Pictures by Kamilla Kroer Copenhagen