My hair loss journey has an unlikely beginning. I never paid much attention to my hair. Ever. I heard people mention that I had nice hair but didn’t internalize it. The attention I got with my hair was so positive that I didn’t notice other people’s hair. I didn’t notice if they had enough or or not enough, it just didn’t occur to me that it was an issue for anyone!
Fast-forward to 2018. At this point, I had gone through a couple of rough patches with my hair. I had the typical hair shed post-partum, and perhaps it had thinned somewhat as I approached 40. Still, I didn’t really think much about it. My father’s side of the family has incredible hair. They basically reach 80 with a barely graying full head of hair. So here I was 38 years old with great hair when my hair loss journey unfolded.
I had a series of events unfold that took my mommy anxiety, not from 0-60, but to 60-100. You can read more about it here, I still have a hard time talking about it to this day. It was awful. I had PTSD and although I seeked help, my subconscious was not fooled and about a month later I started noticing my hair was everywhere. EVERYWHERE. I could see it on the carpet, all over my dance studios, in my clothes, on my kids and all over the shower. And since I had a lot to lose, it wasn’t pretty .
How much hair did I lose? I would say about a 1/4 of my hair. There was a visible hole on the left side of my head and throughout the entire back of my head. There are some people that still don’t believe me. I had that much hair! But my mom and Nick were honest one day and admitted I was in fact losing hair. I know it took a lot out them to tell me that, but it’s great when someone is finally honest with you so that you don’t feel crazy.
But you had so much hair to begin with……
This was what was hardest. It then hit me how blessed I had been prior to my PTSD. I suddenly noticed other people’s hair; did they have a lot, was it thinning? Some friends tried to help and say but you had so much hair, you can’t even tell. A big issue was that I didn’t know when it was going to stop! I went to two dermatologists. One of them said: this is happening because you’re getting older, do NOT go on Rogaine. The other said; you went through emotional trauma and anxiety and you should go on Rogaine. I bought Rogaine and never used it. There was something about it that didn’t feel right to me about using it. I’m not sure what.
What I did to help my hair loss journey
Holistic Health
After seeking “western medical” advice. I turned to my holistic Chinese medicine doctor that I’ve used since I was about 8 years old, thanks to my mom. She said I had candida and had to go on a candida cleanse, a cleanse I’d done before. I knew how hard it would be for me to do it again. If you suspect you have Candida, try going on a cleanse. All chronic illness is based on the presence of candida. Her book is here.
You Gotta Eat Well
My anxiety had also contributed to about a 10 lb weight loss and that was another leading factor. One of the first things that shuts down when you’re underweight are the “beauty” factors. Your body considers those as “nice to haves” and in the absence of enough nutrients, your hair production is one of the first things to go. Healthy fats and omegas are great nutrients to focus on. A vitamin that I really saw a difference with was Doctor’s Best Vitamins Biotin. Some people break out with Biotin but it worked really well for me with my skin, hair and nails.
Your Shampoo
Once I decided not to use Rogaine I researched what could possible help me! I found that Biotin in topical form would also help. I stumbled on this shampoo that also is plainly called Biotin from Maple Holistics. The first time I used I was really impressed with how my hair dried out. It gave me volume, “fluffed up”, and even though my hair didn’t grow back instantly it gave me hope. With the shampoos I had previously used, I was incapable of having a good hair day. My hair would be limp!
I kept using the shampoo for a couple of months just because I loved how it left the hair I did have. And slowly, very slowly, I started noticing that I was seeing less hair on the floor and in the shower. Then I noticed baby hair regrowth along my hairline where the “hole” had been. I have recommended this shampoo to everyone that I know is struggling including some of my family members (not on my dad’s side obv!) So far, everyone has reported postive feedback.
After ordering my 4th bottle, I reached out to Maple Holistics and told them how much I loved their product. I asked if I could get the word out about their incredible products. I have had several hair product companies reach out in the past but couldn’t authentically work with them so turned them down.
Luckily they said yes and in the past couple of months I have tried and loved more of their products! Their Silk Shampoo & Conditioner for repair and frizz control is my current go-to and Apple Cider Vinegar Shampoo for detox and hair volume restoration and growth is part of my weekly hair rotation. I hope you give them a try!
To recap my hair loss journey tips:
- If you’re losing hair, look at what’s going on in your life!
- Eat well and enough; healthy fats, cut the sugar.
- Be at a healthy weight, extremes are bad for hair.
- Exercise and move to control your adrenals, which regulate your hormones, and hormones dicate everything!
- Consider going on a Candida cleanse.
- Don’t pour just anything on your head. Look for quality products such as Maple Holistics.
- Take supplements such as Omegas, Biotin, and a multi.
- Get professional help if you’re suffering from anxiety, body image issues, or grief.
- Get a second/third opinion on the cause/solution of your hair loss.
I wanted to share my experience because I know that when you’re losing your hair you feel very lonely. You are not! I also hope it helps point you in the right direction to get help. There are so many new advances in hair therapy including invasive procedures you can try if nothing else is working. For way to feel great, you might like this post! Please let me know if you have questions. XO, Z