Next month my first baby, MaZi Dance Fitness turns 10 years old! When my sister and I opened MaZi in 2009, we had no expecations. Boutique studios were not a “thing”, we never had a business before (unless you count our lemonade stand in the 80’s) and we were in a city we had lived in for 2 months! Insanity. We worked as hard as we could, with lots of love, blood, sweat and as many tears. As we look to our small business wins, Zazzle is a partner that helps us with branding, celebrations and fun! You can get 30% off banners & mugs, 20% off sitewide with code ZIBA30ZAZZLE!
My Picks for Small Business Wins!

It’s no secret, I love my coffee. So I got these cute mugs with our flagship location’s street corner! I was able to add the picture and text “Ma” & “Zi”, my sister and I’s nicknames and what we named the business after! In minutes I was able to design the cup and select font colors, font style, and mug type. There’s a whole category devoted to an array of drinkware and home decor, which I wanted everything from!

Customized Party Banner

I picked out one of our favorite brand color combos: black & gold! The banner quality is awesome and a great way to let everyone who walks in know that we’re officially over the hill! 🙂 Just as with the mug, I was able to select every last detail of the banner. MaZi is about performing and showing up for yourself in class. So I choose the banner to have a sprinkle of stars as a nod to our performance principles.

Other Zazzle Items on My List:
Here are items on my list that are not business related, but just fun tees! I could add a fun logo or MaZi Dance Fitness’s favorite pictures on these tees also. Check out the website and don’t forget to use code ZIBA30ZAZZLE to get 30% off mugs and banners and 20% off site wide! I will also be recapping lessons from being a business owner for the past 10 years and what it’s like to own a business with your sister. Send along any questions on that or Zazzle.com! XO, Z