Staying fit over 40 isn’t impossible. Is it harder? Yes! Sharing my framework in 6 health tips on how I maintain my weight or lose weight when I have to without deprivation. Get strong not just to look good, but also to maintain muslce and bone mass. Feel more energized than ever by listening to your body, and find meaning for your fitness program! You can also watch the video where I expound on these points below!
1. Listen to your body

Listening to your body is key because no ONE body is the same. Keep a journal on what you’re doing; eating, fitness, activity level, etc. Many times, we are prescribed a plan that doesn’t always work for us. That’s because everyone has a different body chemistry and lifestyle. It’s really important to check in how you feel and what you’re doing so that you can tweak along the way.
2. Sleep is the foundation of health

If you can get good quality sleep you will crave less sugar, and your adrenals will be less likely to be stressed. In turn that helps reduce corisol levels, which can cause weight gain if they are uncontrolled. If you can’t get 8 hours of sleep, then just try improving the quality of your sleep. If you can sleep the entire night through or wake up minimally, you will feel so much better. I love Equilibria CBD to manage my restful sleep. Use MaZI for 15 % off! If I’m well rested, I make better food choices and have more energy to workout and move throughout my day.
3. Fitness Program- Staying Fit over 40

Do what YOU LOVE! What did you used to love to do as kid? Dig deep and go back to that! A combination of strength and cardio is key! Strength work can really really help with maintaining muscle mass, which helps elevate your metabolism. Additionally, it helps you retain your bone mass to prevent oestoporosis. With fitness, try keeping the room warmer during workouts, to really allow your body to sweat. Cardio is great for mental and cardiovascular health. When your mental health is there you’re able to make better food choices. The balance is key between both strength and cardio. However, be careful not to overdo it! Sometimes over working out can lead to your body becoming over-stressed and counter productive to your goals. This will lead to overeating or your body will break down and again increase chances for adrenal fatigue.
4. What to eat!

Eat whole foods and also journal what you eat so that you can keep track of how you feel. Eating foods you LOVE is really important so that you feel satiated and sane! Eat without guilt. Check in with your body 30 minutes after eating a snack or meal and take account. Do you have a headache, stomach ache, feel bloated, moody, feel sluggish or sleepy or have abdominal cramping? If you do, something you ate didn’t sit well with you and therefore probably getting in the way of your weight loss.
5. Intermittent Fasting

As a recovering breakfast lover, I love intermittent fasting for staying fit over 40 so much! Start small and over time, your body becomes used to eating during a shorter window throughout the day. Check with your doctor to see it if it’s right for you.
6. Find Meaning

I have an entire blog post devoted to how to find meaning for fitness motivation, see here! Without meaning you can’t stick to an intention, i.e. lose weight, get fit, get healthy. Meeting a superficial goal, such as getting ready for an event, is only productive to a certain extent. After the event is over, you’ll revert back to old patterns if you don’t find deeper meaning to your behavioral changes.
To dive deeper, make sure to check out the video above and download my fitness tracker here to stay on track! Make sure to check out my posture exercises video here, for a youthful posture and my body love at any age tips here! Love, Z